Can't sell Surge

I can’t sell Surge on the DEX and was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem… Or if I’m doing something wrong.

You got it free , forget about and do other things.

This is a Smart Asset. The issuer of this token has set some requirements related to its transfers and trading operation. You should read asset’s description firstly.
Best regards, Waves Community Manager.

just ignore it and move on

where can I find information to understand how this coin works for trading? I know that you have to put in the order of an hour … But during or at the end of the hour nothing is exchanged. I only spend my commissions on placing orders. Could you answer me? Sincerely.

Hello again.
Check this topic: Surge - Always Price grow asset ! New economical game! Surge - coin with rising price! 中国 indonesia français Deutsch عربي и по русски!
In this topic described all information about surge. I hope it will help you to understand more about this asset.

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