Уже 11 дней прошло а выплат так и нет.когда они будут приблизительно
The Node did not forged a block should do at any moment delayed we all waiting.
T.you for understanding.
Привет, дорогая,
Пожалуйста, проверьте ваш баланс wBTC, все ожидающие платежи wBTC узла были разблокированы.
Причиной этого было стрелять в несколько платежей за один проход.
Спасибо за ваш лизинг. Оставайтесь с нами в аренду.
Last 3 wBTC payments has been released by WAT Node:
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1896149 For amount 0.00020436 wBTC to 65 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01139765 BTC
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1896162 For amount 0.00020754 wBTC to 70 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01160519 BTC
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1896177 For amount 0.00020756 wBTC to 71 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01181275 BTC.
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1907531 For amount 0.00021159 wBTC to 72 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01202434 BTC.
Hi is their someone i can pm inregards to payments and amounts. I still dont quite understand how when i was lessing less waves i got paid more frequently and made more in a month then what i do now lessing 3 times the amount. Can someone please help. I still cant work out the payment on an average 50 waves leased
Hello @Mezzy14,
We are Happy to Help you. For any Query Contact Here on Telegram:
Telegram Link
Note: we don’t ask for any kind of sensitive information like SEED, Password, Personal Information.
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1912188 For amount 0.00020222 wBTC to 74 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01222656 BTC
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1912997 For amount 0.00020247 wBTC to 76 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01242903 BTC.
Recent wBTC Payment #Block:1916630 For amount 0.00020121 wBTC to 73 Leasers.
Total wBTC Paid: 0.01263024 BTC.
We recently airdropped 37000 eCredit to top Leasers.
Learn more about eCredit here: https://ecreditcoin.net
HODL 10000 or more eCredit in your WAVES wallet, receive 0.5% monthly rewards (in eCredit)
Below Past Block Payments has been released in wBTC:
ECR Tokens are coming in upcoming block payments.
Below Past Block Payments has been released in wBTC:
Mining Node Payment: 5.533 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Tradecoin Node Address
Mining Node Payment : 6 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Tradecoin Node Address
Mining Node Payment : 6 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Node Alias: tradecoin_node
Tradecoin Node Address
Mining Node Payment : 6 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Node Alias: tradecoin_node
Tradecoin Node Address
Mining Node Payment : 6 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Node Alias: tradecoin_node
Tradecoin Node Address
Mining Node Payment : 6 Waves
Mining Leasing: 100 Waves
Node Alias: tradecoin_node
Tradecoin Node Address