Hi ) My leasing transaction
Thank you so much,
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Keep up to date with all changes, like the Community Proposals being voted on.
@bitlivewireio on Twitter
or t.me/wavesworld
Community Governance # LPOS Proposal #1 Mined $ MRT will be used to Purchase WW Node will pay 100% Forged Waves and WW # Vote Send WW to alias wwyes or wwno Goal- Increased Demand for WW and constant liquidity. 48 hrs to vote, starting now.
The people have voted. Please review
MRT forged from Node will be used to buy WW Token, then 100% Waves World and Waves is distributed to leases.
can i lease the wavesworld? or just waves?
You can only lease Waves on any node.
But you can spend your Waves World rewards in the Marketplace.
OK, thanks for answer!
Lease payment #60
Only Waves. Please see the Top 100 Millionaires Club at top of page or read about it at WavesWorld.io
Thanks for the support.
Please join us on Telegram.
We have a team of four manning the chat, so we can always answer any questions you have right away.
Good proyect, i invest since january and the rewards is the best …
Quote from Alan Dubla, Waves World Nodemaster.
“One of the great things about doing business on the blockchain is the increased public transparency over tradational business. In our case, a passionate community member figured out a pattern in our WW token rewards script and suggested an optimization which would maintain the current rate on the higher end while filling in a more broad distribution on the lower end. After hours of collaboration a solution was crafted and tested against the payout data from last monday (2/18/2019) and the results showed the change would do exactly as he anticipated. Since this change is only a small mathematical rounding adjustment, and confirms with the original spirit of the rewards process, I’ve decided to implement this immediately.”
The lease payment has been adjusted to be more fair for smaller leases.
You should give us another chance.
Thank you very much for the support. We are just getting started. We hope you will stand by us for the long run and be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!
Why I can not join WavesWorld Telegram channel?
I’ve already done, but after a few minutes I found I’m rejected from the channel getting this message when I try to join again:
Method: channels.getFullChannel
Result: {"_":“rpc_error”,“error_code”:400,“error_message”:“CHANNEL_PRIVATE”}
Here is the link.
Waves Community Save the Waves Send Transaction with Waves World 10 WW per Transaction
I received less WW this time. What is the reason for that?
Waves World now offering Amazon Gift Cards
Join the telegram, or msg them on Facebook or Twitter
There were 3 separate ww payments this week.
There are many reasons why payment will not be the same each week.