Wavescap Node

Hey leasers and supporters of Wavescap,

We want to let you decide on how Wavescap should vote on the activation of WEP4, block reward.

We distributed 100 wavescap-wep4 tokens proportional to leasing amount to all addresses that had active leases to our node at block 1,711,200.

For voting YES send your wavescap-wep4 tokens to alias
wavescap-wep4-yes (3PD9cZ8YWVxm8NLSRdqb8pZiJt6GbzrR2iM)
or to
wavescap-wep4-no (3P6YZXj7f1CrJqAbMqpJRWRc3nesmi7Fi7V)
for voting NO.

We will count all votes till block 1,719,500 and set our node to vote according to our leasers’ decision!

More information to the new fetaure:

Thanks for supporting Wavescap!