About the Leasing Pools category (read before creating a topic)

Then it is too early to post in “Leasing Pools”.

But you can promote yourself in “Projects” if your project is based on Waves.

Ok then I understand. All I wanted was to reach out to a couple of guys who leased to my node during my first post, and just wanted to say thanks to them. I will just wait then for more blocks mined before I repost.

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https://support.waves.exchange/en/ is another good resource.

Leasing is safe. All tokens remain in your wallet. You can cancel your lease at any time.

Waves World offers node services. My partner oftentimes will help for free.

My partner, Alan is usually available to help with node questions.

The payout varies based on the number of transaction on the waves platform during that week, as well as the node generating balance, and reimbursement program. Best to do test leases with your 50 waves and compare results.