Good day! We have launched a cashback from the back of the store! Get 30% cashback in Ekd27 tokens from the turnover of your customers!
Welcome to ICO Ekd27: new ICO, emission 1 000 000 000 000 000 000, blockchain Waves, 27 control points of sales, possibility of additional release!
Take part in the ICO become one of the first! Earn money with ICO Ekd27!
The main post
QW -
QE -
QS - Coming soon
Online wallet:
Mac Os:
Exchange and buy token: (Ekd27)
Start ICO:
Team ICO Ekd27:
Creator of the project, CEO: Amosov Alexey Sergeevich
[email protected]
Design, community and my life: Amosova Anna Victorovna
[email protected]
Editors and copywriters: Law firm Benefit, director Barmin Maksim
[email protected], [email protected]
Professionals, innovators, creators of the new - we are a team!
listing offers on exchanges and your projects can be sent here: [email protected]
The main goal of Ekd27 is to create an eco-system of theorization based on the interaction of participants and their decision-making. Development of eco-system, maintenance and development of its participants.
The theoretical goal is the formation of the postulate of the theory of cryptocurrency, the training of this theory and its promotion.
Ekd27 is a token running on the Waves blockchain platform. It consists of 27 qualifications, is a new product. The innovative basis of the project is the management of its events and the General Informatization of events passing through the information cluster. Each project participant is a member of the information cluster. During the qualification confirms its role and takes part in the development of the eco system. This eco system is based on transparency for its participants and decentralization, each participant directly participates in its development after passing the qualification, by voting and approval of the postulates.
QW Mining and exploration scriptaction:
BM – business mining. Search and mining of non-profitable coins (network complexity less than 1000K), further support of new projects.
BOMN – business coverage mastered. Installation of masternodes through providers in order to make a profit. Glass: 50% ROI below 200%, 50% ROI above 1000%.
QE Sociality:
Social events-sponsorship of new projects, charity (sponsorship of ICO projects related to the maintenance of flora and fauna of the planet, assistance to distressed countries as a result of disasters and emergencies)
QS Creation:
Theorizing the basic concepts of the crypto industry. Formation of the concept for training new participants in this theory. Capacity building for project participants and assistance in the creation of publications and exercises on the crypto world and its development.
You can take part in the projects of the QW, QE, QS series and receive rewards in tokens, while the amount of the eco system reward and its participants approve themselves when approving postulates by voting: PASSIVE MINING TOKEN, TRADERS ASSET, CASHBACK EKD27 or open WHITE OPEN OFFICE!
QUANTITY 17 000 000 000Ekd27
What is cashback Ekd27?
This is a cashback for customers of your store paid in Ekd27 tokens.
Where this cashback can be used?
In online trading, or another way of trading where you are a seller.
What is the difference between this cashback and others?
This cashback is fully decentralized and is located in the waves blockchain.
What do I get for this?
You will receive 30% of cashback turnover in Ekd27 tokens of your customers to your wallet created on the platform every 5 days.
What is my benefit?
You will be able to earn Ekd27 tokens or change them to USD and other cryptocurrency, your customer reward system will be fully decentralized without any risks for business and your trading. The token will encourage your customers to make a larger purchase to activate all their tokens. You independently set a % discount for payment of your goods and services with Ekd27 tokens, thereby being a 100% owner of the discount system and cashback.
What will my customers get?
Customers will receive cashback in Ekd27 tokens at the rate of 1 Ekd27 token = $ 1 in the purchase receipt of your store. Customers will receive a discount in your store or other method of trade or will be able to pay them in full based on the % discount you set for payment of your goods and services.
What should I do to register as a seller and use cashback Ekd27?
Only 4 steps:
1 - Register on the platform:
2 – Buy 2 token Ekd27 on the stock exchange or get them on free hand watch forum: Ekd27 Airdrop
3 - Send 1Ekd27 to special billing wallet 3P7L2JzpAVGGjQAnVAqmowXmPSDdjKRbxdb
In the message when sending the Ekd27 token to a special billing wallet, be sure to specify: “the official name of the seller, which will appear in all checks or other documents confirming the purchase from you and a link to your website, if there is no website then the address of the store.”
4 - Notify your customer that you are working WITH cashback Ekd27 make a link to the table specified below in your online store or print and put near the place of work of the seller in your store.
What do my customers need to do to get CASH BACK in Ekd 27 tokens:
Only 3 steps:
1 - take a picture of the check or other document confirming the purchase in the store to all the information was readable!!!
2 - send this photo in telegrams and enter your e-mail address:
3 - wait for 1-3 days you will receive cashback in Ekd27 tokens and instructions for using this Ekd27 token will be sent to your e-mail address!!!
What should my customers do to activate the discount with Ekd27 tokens in the store:
Find this sign in the store or online store, find out the discount percentage and the wallet address of the store or find it in / cashekd27 send the amount of tokens that the seller will indicate to you with the help of your wallet! Show a completed
transaction or the TXID of the transaction to the seller!
How can I check the balance of tokens allocated for CASH BACK Ekd27 on a special billing wallet?
It is enough to go to the link:
What is the number of tokens allocated to this CASH BACK EKD27?
About 17 000 000 000Ekd27.
What is the term of this postulate?
While there are tokens on the balance of a special billing wallet, a new postulate with cashback will be created in the future and tokens will be allocated.
When will the integration of the Ekd27 token with trading be available for its automation?
After the launch of the Ekd27 block chain and its full operation. Approximately after passing this ICO, follow our road map and white paper, we will publish this information.
As other people know about this postulate about my shop in your CASH BACK End 27?
On the postulate and the accession of your store, we will publish!