Blockscart: A Global Fee-Free E-commerce Marketplace

Blockscart is a Global Peer to Peer E-commerce Marketplace where users can Buy and Sell Products or Services with the removal of fees.

Make payment in over 50 Cryptocurrencies and get paid in BLXS or Paypal.

BLXS is the qualified Waves asset approved by

You can list any Product or Service that is legal and share to the world.

Can’t find a product or service you want? Request it!

Blockscart has the functionality where a user can make a request for anything they want to buy using Cryptocurrencies.

Location based listings also offered so local collection and pickup are available.

With a fully smart functioning Escrow system protecting Buyers funds until an order is complete and all funds held in a stable coin form until the payout is made, Blockscart can offer any Cryptocurrency user the benefits of safe trading.

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Start referring friends, family, and communities worldwide and earn rewards through our referral program.

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