Can not sign with ledger nano

Hi there,
I created a new account with my Ledger Nano S and transferred waves in there. Now I am not able to sign transactions any more so can´t move fund or trade.
When I try to sign a send I get the error:

State check failed. Reason: Transactions from non-scripted accounts must have exactly 1 proof

Tried via WebWalet and Client in mac OS and Windows 10.
So all funds are locked. Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

I just realised the TXID does not match the Hash displayed on the ledger.

This is also what I get as the Error, if I try to trade:

Error message

GenericError(Script doesn’t exist and proof doesn’t validate as signature for OrderV2(id=…

Is there way to make the Hash match, anybody has an idea, what could be wrong here?

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Best regards, Waves Community Manager