Community Nodes Program

Thanks for this Program. I have PM you @ikardanov
Is needed for the descentralization :stuck_out_tongue:
Our address: 3P5hx8Lw6nCYgFkQcwHkFZQnwbfF7DfhyyP
Our web:
Our Telegram: @localwavesnode

Hi @ikardanov,
I just created my node at 3P7pGQsL6TXkwL2XMwGoiFPNKceWvYQVHcQ. I would be happy to be part of the community node program and help the decentralization of Waves.

Hi @ikardanov, we at Triplay project could be interesting to start a community node. What is the next step?

Any possibility of kickstarting a node that does not have 1000 waves? Still have not setup one, but would be awsome to do so and help grow waves network.

Hello to all

I installed my waves node: ScudoNode
Address: 3P7ncU2ja73a3MGhqQpa5fK5KtKzHTSgaLU
My website is still in “Work In Progress”:
Last week I completed a faucet in html5 and forms google for small needs.
Other things coming, but I have so little time.
I have a full-time job, in my free time I carry on my Scudo project.
I am Italian and I live in Italy.


An English version will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi There,

Just already PM’d Kardanov on discord.
But also over here, My node is new and syncing a.t.m.
Address: 3PEjdMgnR7a48RnZoW8RF8TeEqidue28Wgm
Alias = wavessupporters
Name = wavessupporters

Twitter = @sanderwaves
Discord = @sander#3133
Telegram = @sander1234

I’m extremely glad to say my node is up&running and am very eager to join the team.

Here are my credentials:

Address: 3PP8BgKG5mcpbWVrEBJaZL97jQLF8NLeQTn
Name = wavesno00ode
Discord = o00o#7589

Thanks in advance! has setup a full node for our project since last week and would like to participate as we have plans to contribute to the community at a large scale as our ICO progresses and we hire a large development team dedicated to our Waves based project.

Our node shows up on:

Hello everyone.
I´m running a node since yesterday.

PM on Discord is already done, but I write it here as well:
Name: Ahof
Discord: eddwood
Telegram: eddwood76

Thanks in advance.

Hi guys

My node is running for about a month (uptime is 99.99%)

Address: 3PNEqDkLfEXoDqTCy1KwXNRVbxsSuDNUWfz
Alias: brox_aarch64
All default ports (including matcher) are open.
What is so special about my node? Currently it is the only one running on ARM architecture (I spent quite a lot of time making this happen)


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Fresh new node owners:
Here’s a link to do automated payouts on your node if you have people leasing to you:

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Unfortunately, js based scripts are too heavyweight…

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Hey my node has been running for over 2 months and I would like to take part in the community node program.

Address: 3P5GLSdkvhLZyj668woKPUULeHsJo73Dpob
Node Name: Deydream

My first post, hope the program is still active.
I’m currently running a VPS Digital Ocean node on v0.16.2 (Just migrated)
It has leased over 1200 waves and generated a block in a month and a week :smiley:

My next steps are lower node resources to reduce charges because if no leases I wont be able to afford server costs and try to set up payment scripts so everyone can receive fees for leasing :slight_smile:

My node name is Sparks Waves POC
Address: 3PNcniY7amKxf2nYnx6163Mm82JXfLixeg9

BTW Will pm you

Thank you!

See on your DM please @ikardanov

Инал, добрый день!
Мы запустили ноду CarbonInvest и хотели бы принять участие в программе поддержки малых нод. Что нам для этого нужно? Спасибо!

Node version: 0.16.2
Leasing address: 3P9wAt6r4cDEnLjqPqPh52koJ9LxnpDtz7T

A post was split to a new topic: Question on mining/leasing

Is small nodes support program still alive? When do you plan to send out next leasing bunch?

As far as I know, it is. Just read the top message and follow the steps

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