Payment 33 is ongoing! This week we mined 66 blocks, thanks to all our lessors!
Payment details:
Payment 33 is ongoing! This week we mined 66 blocks, thanks to all our lessors!
Payment details:
Payment 34 is a good one! We mined 77 blocks this week which is a new ATH for us We are now distributing 90% of all revenue earned back to our lessors!
Thanks for leasing to Cryptinwaves! All payment details can be found here:
Payment 35 was just done! This week we mined 69 blocks with 10.5 Waves fee and 552 MRT. We redistributed 90% of all revenue back to our lessors.
All payment details:
69 blocks mined once again. We just did payment number 36 for a total of 10.5 Waves and 552 MRT. We distributed 90% of all our revenue back to everyone leasing to Cryptin. Thanks for leasing!
Payment details:
We created a handy page with links to (3rd party) tools, apps and other useful resources in the Waves ecosystem. Much info is scattered around Github and other websites so we figured this is a nice start. Enjoy!
If you have any additions don’t hesitate to let us know!
Good morning everyone! I just did the 37th payout of Cryptin wavesnode. This week we mined 60 blocks and as usual we distributed 90% of all earnings back to our lessors. Check out all payment details here:
If you like what we do (educational video’s and content on Waves and our node) you can now tip us WRT as we’ve been officially whitelisted to receive WRT now. You can send it to our alias ‘cryptin’ or 3P4ttNa4U4dxmuyaaV51gb7xMTCG8CtXXsR. We would be forever grateful!
We just did payment number 38. This week we mined 65 blocks. All payment details can be found here:
Payment number 39 is underway! This week we mined 67 blocks, thanks for leasing your Waves to cryptinwaves!
Payment details can be found here:
Payment 40 has been done! This week we mined 60 blocks. Payment details can be found here:
Our Waves node is processing paymenty #41 to everyone leasing Waves to us right now. This week we mined 81 blocks. Thanks for leasing!
Payment details:
This week we mined 62 blocks. Payment details:
53 blocks mined this week around! Payment stats:
A few days ago our node has been updated to 1.0.0 and is voting in favour of features 11, 12 and 13.
We just did payment number 44. This week we mined 60 blocks. Thanks everyone for leasing to cryptinwaves! Payment details can be found on our website:
Payment 45 is done, 97 blocks mined this week which is a new ATH for us!
Sup! We just did payment number 46, this week we mined 71 blocks. Thanks for leasing to cryptinwaves!
Payment details:
Want to win a Waves branded hardware wallet? We are giving one away!
We upgraded our node to version 1.0.2.
We just did the 47th payment, after the release of the new RIDE smart contracts we see a huge surge in payout. Check it out! This week we mined 79 blocks for a total of 32 Waves. Payment details:
Also don’t forget to join our contest to win a Waves branded Nano Ledger!
See details here: