Custom assets 4Fee_currency = Currency.Asset;

An incredible day of complicated work on the implementation of the user’s FEE_asset to pay for the fee when sending any tokens. The era of project ecosystems is coming.

This is an incredible experience. Working!

Error: 199 - Fee in HxxSmVuX4HbHDiDSGg96nx7wgCBhB9UPHh6pxgnKXjv4 for TransferTransaction transaction does not exceed minimal value of 100000

   "senderPublicKey": "string",
   "assetId": "HxxSmVuX4HbHDiDSGg96nx7wgCBhB9UPHh6pxgnKXjv4",
   "recipient": "string",
   "amount": 1000,
   "fee": 3, 
   "feeAssetId": "HxxSmVuX4HbHDiDSGg96nx7wgCBhB9UPHh6pxgnKXjv4",
   "timestamp": 0,
   "attachment": "string",
   "signature": "string"

This is an example of json, the number of decimal is written 3, the sum fee = 3, that is, in the code = 3,000 = fee. This problem is on the side of!/assets/transfer_0
In the node settings, it is possible to specify an incorrect comma where you should stand.




There are small bugs :gear: in the wallet on the portfolio page, if the asset is press reissue, then balance is calculated in waves, but the comma is not there, because of FEE_tx asset. Nothing is terrible in this, but you need to do 10-15 iterations to solve the problem, as I will find, I’ll update everything. Also from the portfolio tab with transfer asset, fee balance: token. These problems are interconnected asset - waves. 0.00000000 = 0.000. In the rest everything works.

:point_up: At night, transactions go faster and the more they are, the faster they are processed by the main nodes Waves

right in the asset column “CWV-Cryptowave” which I also did today for the Fee_tx, first one transaction was 1-2 hour, after 20-30 iterations it began to process the main nodes, although there was no agreement with them, as a result, after 30 transactions, the rate increased to 20 seconds . The more transactions there are, the faster translations will be.

:fist: Github




You have nice images actually :smiley:
I like them.
Good job on the wallet

i want to learn this…

In * .js for example, find and add the following lines:

var NameToken = new Currency({
    id: '2bux3SQLwCrCdtY7DUKi8YKgRGWFJZHpEV625A5qm9f4',
    displayName: 'Полное имя токена',
    shortName: 'Тикер токена, например - ТКН',
    precision: 8,
    verified: true

this should be done in waves.core.js

I am not able to find waves.core.js

It’s a library, a json one in the waves Github repo