Dcashcoin project - Mexico

The development of the Dcashcoin token is the result of an extensive
market study in the entire restaurant industry, stores
departmental and similar.
We have realized that within the world of cryptocurrencies
there is a great lack of credibility, acceptance and sharing in
the crypto world and the blockchain. The vast majority of
cryptocurrencies are lacking real backing, they base their
proposals for future projects and wishes for them to prosper.
This is one of the main reasons why several
cryptocurrencies do not reach their goal, are considered as
“Spam” or scams have never even reached an exchange.
Dcashcoin not only covers this point with a project already in
operation, it also offers the platform “Vive México” that
fulfills the function of an online multi-store platform for
business establishments. for use throughout the Republic
Mexican, sectioned by states. In addition, it provides a solution
real in the purchase and sale services with respect to the rates in
commercial establishments, as the market is plagued with
financial institutions that make usury with great costs in
commissions for transactions, account management, annuities between
other charges. Dcashcoin seeks to be a rewards program or
global loyalty for customers of commercial establishments
affiliated with the Global Dcash Rewards System, the points or tokens
obtained can be exchanged at affiliated establishments,
Dcashcoin brand souvenir online store, share them with
your friends and even exchange them for bitcoin, ethereum, waves,
other cryptocurrencies and even for fiat money “Mexican pesos”.

publicidad holi

token: https://waves.exchange/dex-demo?assetId2=WAVES&assetId1=8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS