(Quote from the description of “GAME NODE”: “The core task of this challenge is to increase your stake by any available means, but mainly by attracting new WAVES leases”.)
(All data is valid on September 6)
3PGobRuQzBY9VbeKLaZqrcQtW26wrE9jFm7 wavescapnode (date of birth: 08/30/19)
Points with a current balance and PR - 93.69 (points after the 6th snapshot - 69.19)
Total leased: 698’643 Waves. 82.3% from three addresses:
3PGh7qtm9YxG1RYZnhwPC2esdaSxGEpcNwt - 208`644.81 - 29.968%
33PEKyYWWQCRyXRmDXnCRgHaCKvZ5xYMeZsk - 204`000.00 - 29.301%
3PD5yxf8AGHpyegxAMcRPWK5isGns75DjAC - 160`500.00 - 23.053%
3P82iKJ6UMAT3zzpLBRYrWe3ZxLhb21J3m1 wavescloud (date of birth: 08/28/19)
Points with current balance and PR - 86.66 (points after the 6th snapshot - 71.28)
Total leased: 598’167 Waves. 83.3% from one address:
3PQE4jm8b8FnfqSxtHkZ33a5wtUR6inXXMJ - 488`000.00 - 83.271%
3P9AkfRQu4Dk3d9JPKH98QDQFMJbuimhgFA - 57`200.00 - 9.760%
3PGyw3B5RDErjgLm6kjJ5xouXjGahrWZeSJ - 37`946.26 - 6.475%
3P4QYFDHZqLw94MY1XNEwxdXpFiDuaLjTDu inprofit (date of birth: 08/09/19)
Points with current balance and PR - 82.09 (points after the 6th snapshot - 64.70)
Total leased: 301’083 Waves. 100% from one address:
- 3PJJbqarQ6ctKPgBCiLAvRwuU9s7hV5sbtc - 285`059.13 - 100%
3PLp1QsFxukK5nnTBYHAqjz9duWMriDkHeT dodllnode (date of birth: 07/31/19)
Points with current balance and PR - 65.85 (points after the 6th snapshot - 48.35)
Total leased: 278’975 Waves. 52% of leasing from six addresses:
3PDSqK649eBfQRZ5GqyNyrMvaT3kDAp7czo - 35000.00 - 15.231%
3PBtt7CNVb4xS4fJ51hqBPtScaz6FURKP1o - 31488.84 - 13.703%
3PQLCT68cGMgodHuuXu3qftDx8M8s8mgMyx - 15000.00 - 6.527%
wavescapnode - up to 150% of payouts until September 18th. Any payouts from prize.
wavescloud - 105% after winning the “Game of Nodes” throughout the year. One participant is awarded 500 Waves.
inprofit - During last two weeks of game of nodes - 300% of waves 300% of MRT mined to every lessor and 110% of waves 110% MRT to lessors that leased there waves before end of GON for a whole year.
dodllnode - 100% payouts. For those who join before September 18, there is also another + 100% payout from the entire prize stack (distribution on equal terms among all leasers, may come out 200-500%).
Additional details:
wavescapnode was at another address, but lost its seed and moved on improving the result in the table.
main leaser (83%) wavescloud transferred leasing from node WavesAssist.
inprofit appeared in the third snapshot, but disappeared in the fourth (turned off the node?)
Another description of the contest: “Node owners must look after their communities and organise their own leasing. They can discuss their ideas with their communities on social media, ask people to come up with mutually beneficial schemes, sign smart contracts, run competitions — or anything else they can think of! Everyone can decide their own strategy, and find out what proves most effective!”;
CONCLUSIONS: At the moment, the leaders of the node is who use their own large stack. They do not offer their lessors any favorable conditions and do not spend much effort on shilling information about themselves. Based on the text in the description of the game, the inprofit node can’t claim a prize at all (it has no leasers, no communication with the community until today).
I am sure that the “Game of Nodes” is meaningless and turns into a “Game of Whales” if the node gets the prize for one large stack. “The challenge is designed in such a way that big players cannot displace smaller ones" (from description of the Game of Nodes).
Therefore, I assume that dodllnode has a high chance of winning prizes. I would like, of course, to get comments on the rules from the organizers of the contest!
Thank you for attention and let’s win the prize together!