Name: Fidyo
Ticker: Fidyo
Total Supply: 7.000.000
Type: Not Reissuable lists the 100 most supported YouTube videos, anyone can add and support videos.
You must have a Fidyo token to support videos.
Only 7 million pieces were produced, as the videos are supported,
the number of Fidyo decreases and the value of Fidyo token increases.
The Fidyo project was inspired by βThe Million Dollar Homepageβ.
When you sign up for, you earn 1 free Fidyo token, and you earn 1 Fidyo token for each member you invite.
You can use these tokens to support videos, or you can sell them at any price on the Waves Platform.
We have made our 5th payout!
Thank you for supporting subwar.
Being a gift we will send to our leasers fidyo token.
Use this gift -waves based Fidyo token- to support your favorite videos on, or trade them on the WavesDEX.
Being a gift we send to our leasers fidyo token.
Use this gift -waves based Fidyo token- to support your favorite videos on, or trade them on the WavesDEX.
Being a gift we send to our leasers fidyo token.
Use this gift -waves based Fidyo token- to support your favorite videos on, or trade them on the WavesDEX.
9th Payments sent covering blocks 1726703-1736933;
12.60486 WAVES
Join subwar
Being a gift we send to our leasers fidyo token.
Use this gift -waves based Fidyo token- to support your favorite videos on, or trade them on the WavesDEX.
121.7946 WAVESfull list 550 FIDYO
We paid 1,39370991 WAVES to an investor who leased 1000 WAVES.
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98.6136 WAVESfull list 230 FIDYO
We paid 1.0995617 WAVES to an investor who leased 1000 WAVES.
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65.7605 WAVES full list 270 FIDYO
We paid 1.09261177 WAVES to an investor who leased 1000 WAVES.
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108.8814 WAVES 260 FIDYO
β- We paid 1.53562365 WAVES, for every 1000 Waves on lease
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92.2830 WAVES 300 FIDYO
β We paid 1.40455072 WAVES, for every 1000 Waves on leaseβ:rocket:
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103.21256551 WAVES 609 FIDYO
This week, we paid 1.99674644 WAVES, for every 1000 Waves on leaseπ
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