We are proud to announce ForFun lottery!!!
If you want win some ForFun coins, simply send 1000 ForFun coins to wallet:
Your coins will be added to the pot
There is already 3000 ForFun coins on that wallet, the winner will get them all
When there will be at least 10 participants, we will add another 2000 ForFun coins
There will be only one winner!
The winner will be picked randomly from all wallets who send 1000 ForFun coins!
The winner of first draw will be announced on October 20
If you want to know actual pot check link below:
We’ve just added 1000 ForFun coins to the pot of our lottery.
Try your luck and take part in our lottery!
Just send 1000 ForFun coins to: 3P2XLbpdYUd3BhZp6V6JvDuGNZTghcJDvZu
Winner will be selected by random.org
If trhere will be only one participant he will get all the coins!
There is still 5 days left
0 participants
pot 4010 ForFun coins
There are two days left!!! Take part in our lottery!!! There is 0 participants now, if you will be the only one participant, you will get all the pot!!!
two hours left
there are 0 participants
just send 1000 ForFun coins to: 3P2XLbpdYUd3BhZp6V6JvDuGNZTghcJDvZu
there is 4010 ForFun coins in the pot