How to free up reserved Waves Tokens?

Hello - some years ago i used the chrome plugin on my waves wallet to reserve some funds for staking. Since the dex and the chromeplugin do not exist/work anymore, i installed the waves exchange app.
I can see a Balance of what i guess is the staked funds and the interest. How can i free up or gain access to the 50 reserved funds? Thanks! (I have all my keys in place, just need technical advice :wink: )


just go to the investments section and choose stake waves and check if you have an active stake and cancel it so that your balance comes back, you should check it in orders if you don’t have open orders.

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awesome - thank you, it worked :smiley:

Reserved waves are ones in the placed orders and also staked waves. So you need to go Trading and cancel all the orders with waves, and then go to Investments -> Waves staking, look for active leases and cancel them

thanks my issue has been fixed.