Information Theory

Needs for continuity:
I need the help of WAVES and the community to be able to continue the project, at the moment we have almost nothing that is necessary, as we support WAVES already has a long time, we decided to look for WAVESLAB apopio to enable the realization of this theory as a product accessible worldwide.

the following description of the project:

Information Theory

Online platform dedicated to enabling the generation of general contents and makes them available to all. Enabling new ways, methods and methodologies for the creation and implementation of didactics. Using collaborative and distributed technologies to ensure that creators and users benefit from all the material produced.


Have you noticed how technology has brought revolutions in most markets and professions and in the way we do things nowadays? Banks and crypto currencies, TV and content on demand, hotels and websites facilitators for lodging, taxis and car sharing. The world has changed and the way you interact in the world has become more practical, more technological, more intuitive and personalized, everything has been freer. Everything except education.

Education is still based on a Victorian model, and an industrial revolution. Where the teacher is the highest authority, where learning is to passively consume content through formulas and theorems that must be decorated, and that little is analyzed the practical application and with tests and tests that more determine your "cold blood" before the pressure of the test than if you really learned something. The digital revolution that reached the classroom only served to take the classroom into your home. What happened in education was a digitization of a model from the last century. Where is your educational revolution? Where is the education of the 21st century? Where is free education?

The Theory of Information proposes to make this free education accessible to all. Creating a new model or even divulging models that until then were ignored. It’s time to make the classroom a “Startup”. It is time for learning to have practical application in a teaching project, where the teacher is much more a Scrum master than a truth-holding authority.It is time to learn without boundaries and without limits.Welcome to education that fits your way of learning. Welcome to Information Theory.


We are proposing the change from a linear evolution to an exponential evolution.

The current form of study is tied to semesters and years.

With the content aligned and generated in an organic way it can be consumed in the rhythm of who studies and not of who applies.

A simple proposal on how to modify and update existing education systems.

Decentralized and distributing the creation and consumption of content and generating new possibilities of methods much more attractive. Fighting even the "piracy" of paid material.

Vision and Objective

Everyone in the world has study as a necessity, but many have no access to studies, and a huge number of people in the world have access to low-quality studies, and we should consider people who have access only to content that is not what interests or favors them most. With a system structure integrating online and offline access along with P2P transmission, it is possible to attend anyone anywhere.


Unfortunately many people in the world do not have access to education, in an approximate average on the current date of 10% of illiterates in the world, with countries with up to 40% illiteracy, without considering the number of functional illiterates and people with low degrees of training.


The token will be sold in the ICO phase, in fact a crowdsale, in batches;

The intention is to create a token in selling in lots with discounts, but the same token will be used to pay advertising within the platform where this token will have a fixed value of 10 dollars. When half the sales are reached (probably) the token will already be able to be traded in the WAVES DEX. This will give much more credibility to the token. The maximum possible value will be applied, generating income and can thus maintain the project forever.


It is very common to "piracy"(unauthorized copying) of didactic material, as much as or even greater is the willingness of many people to collaborate in creating material for others to have access to, we are only making it easier for more people to make their teachings accessible.

Some projects on information theory are given on which is very informative in making the websites.