I am a long time traveling on blockchain and videogames but as I do not see much in the forums of real ideas I propose in this topic to develop an idea for Waves Platform where we can be the beneficiaries, the Sandbox proposal is often confused with ‘’ virtual worlds ‘’ but the Sandbox go a little further because you start from scratch having to create everything necessary to be able to continue advancing and get to transform your own ‘’ virtual world ‘’. It is a type of game ‘’ free ‘’ the order of the actions of the players allows the greatest possible freedom according to the classification, this allows defining objectives to guide the player. The player can follow them or ignore them is a type of game freely free where there are very few limitations and the player can modify the environment of the game, known examples of how far our possibilities in this style of game is SimCity, Minecraft, GTA that presents some qualities of freedom of action, I was for a long time thinking about how it would be the game, objectives, gameplay, but I came to the conclusion that nothing better than we community of players have a voice, then everyone who is interested in contributing something, this is the thread that I leave you to flood with creativity.
-> There are no boundaries for the imagination.
-> The blockchain as a base in the development.
-> I do not ask for money, but mental collaboration.
Thank you for your cooperation.
sorry i do not speak english