LocalWavesNode Token. Rewards Lifetime

LocalWavesNode (LWN) is a token of real value that serves to collect dividends as the result of 2% of benefits in our node, LIFETIME! (LocalWavesNode = 3P5hx8Lw6nCYgFkQcwHkFZQnwbfF7DfhyyP)

How do you get LocalWavesNode Token?

To get the token for lease with us for at least 6 months and you will receive as many tokens as WAVES put on leasing in our node (3P5hx8Lw6nCYgFkQcwHkFZQnwbfF7DfhyyP), up to a maximum of 100,000. The minimum contribution is 10 WAVES to receive LocalWavesNode tokens.

How will the benefits be distributed?

The benefits will be shared among the holders of the LWN tokens. The holders will receive monthly 2% of the benefits of our node, the remaining 98% will go to the leasers. The tokens will be distributed as follows:

When will we receive tokens?

We will send tokens after the leaser keeps his balance of WAVES in leasing 6 months in our node.

More information


Stop spamming every topic please.


If you want to avoid the realization of leasing for 6 months you can acquire it already in the dex de waves.

Asset ID: FHWMgUC2u8Sz1K6tr7SqWihPpJfweTm5tM4xPUHoi416

:white_check_mark:We have started with LocalWavesNode Token distribution

:package: Our first leaser has already obtained its LocasWavesNode Token for maintaining its leasing for 6 months. https://wavesexplorer.com/tx/8eQFMbKhto655iC75f479AJWAFtDDHnkjyAhWmzinojr

:warning::arrow_right:You can still buy your LocasWavesNodes in the Waves DEX and receive lifetime benefits.

Yeah… Good proyect​:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

:soon: The next January 3 we will make the first payment to the LocalWavesNode Token holders that you can acquire in the Waves DEX. :date:

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Our Token have a good health,

In January we start to reward our holders

You have two options to get Localwavesnode token:

  1. mantain a leasing upper to 10Waves for 6 months
  2. buy it in DEX

Our telegram for help

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Waves wallet address.

:rocket: We just made the first payment to the LocalWavesNode Token holders. Thanks to all who believed in us. You can still get your LocalWavesNode Token in the DEX or get it by keeping your lease in our node for 6 months. The next payment to the LocalWavesNode holders will be on February 3! :date:

I believe in your project too


I believe in your project too ,hope I can see some coin


3PNiBvBvhi3anP441aZoLF4yFvyQgqASKHE дай мне




interesting project, here is the address to receive coins:


:warning:WE DO NO SENT LocalWavesNode Tokens FOR FREE. :arrow_right: There are two very easy ways to get them: buying them in the DEX of waves or doing leasing with us for 6 consecutive months: 3P5hx8Lw6nCYgFkQcwHkFZQnwbfF7DfhyyP

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Hello, for more info check our web: https://www.localwavesnode.com
You have 2 ways to obtain 1 LocalWavesNode TOKEN :slight_smile:

a) You can lease in your node for 6 months 10 or more WAVES.
At the end of the 6 months your will obtain 1 token for every 10 WAVES that you leased.

b) The other way is purchase in DEX, our token ID is: FHWMgUC2u8Sz1K6tr7SqWihPpJfweTm5tM4xPUHoi416

You can view our holders and the Asset info here:

Good Luck!

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: very funny :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Good Token LWN