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Contact: [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/P9r_OBQ09g26-LZ5yGBJIQ
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/luxtrade/
Coinpaprika: https://coinpaprika.com/exchanges/luxtrade
Promotion for listing new tokens waves.
Now with the growth of our exchange, you will be able to add your token as a main market, contact us to know the values.
Make us a visit: www.luxtrade.online
Ótima plataforma parabéns pelo projeto
hello, we received yes, we already returned in your email. thank you
New tokens added to the vote are: ZM Token, WavesTalkSocial Voting on the link: https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index
New cryptocurrency added to the market, CRCOIN. Welcome www.luxtrade.online

New token added to the vote are: Shared Money , please vote for listing on our link: https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index
New cryptocurrencies added for voting: WavesGames, at www.luxtrade.online, please come vote and contribute to the projects. https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index

New cryptocurrencies added for voting: CollabSkateCoin, at www.luxtrade.online, come and call your community to vote. link: https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index

Now with the launch of our token luxtrade, we will accept payment for new listings in token luxtrade. enjoy customer pre-sale for 0.1 waves, you will be charged 2000 tokens luxtrade for listing across 7 markets. The voting listing remains free and the price of each vote for 0.2 waves. list with us as we have full support for all active waves. enjoy listing promotion is for 90 days time, then listing prices will be updated . thank you let’s grow together
Link to listing subscription: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5f0e5B2UQT156cNpE9KC0Vf9yt4VUdoQE_qBcIoPUCi8vvQ/viewform
New cryptocurrencies added for voting: TheGreatCoin, at www.luxtrade.online, come and call your community to vote. link: https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index

New cryptocurrency added to the market, PaperCoin. Welcome www.luxtrade.online

New currency added in vote: PSY token, please come contribute your vote. https://luxtrade.online

New currency added in vote: Heath, please come contribute your vote. www.luxtrade.online 
New currency added in vote: SicloCoin, please come contribute your vote. www.luxtrade.online 
New cryptocurrency added to the market: Llifycoin . Welcome www.luxtrade.online

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New currency added by voting on our exchange www.luxtrade.online, please welcome to jaguartoken and vote.

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New currency added by voting on our exchange https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index, please welcome to 2b4t and vote.

New cryptocurrency added to the market: Apprécié Welcome www.luxtrade.online
New currency added by voting on our exchange https://luxtrade.online/Vote/index , please welcome to MinVesT and vote.

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