Node in my custom clockchain does not attempt to generate block

I created Custom blockchain with following config:
waves {
directory = /opt/waves

  blockchain {
    type: CUSTOM
    custom {
      address-scheme-character: "R"
      functionality {
        feature-check-blocks-period = 5
        blocks-for-feature-activation = 5
        allow-temporary-negative-until: 0
        allow-invalid-payment-transactions-by-timestamp: 0
        require-sorted-transactions-after: 0
        generation-balance-depth-from-50-to-1000-after-height: 0
        minimal-generating-balance-after: 0
        allow-transactions-from-future-until: 0
        allow-unissued-assets-until: 0
        require-payment-unique-id-after: 0
        allow-invalid-reissue-in-same-block-until-timestamp: 0
        allow-multiple-lease-cancel-transaction-until-timestamp: 0
        reset-effective-balances-at-height: 1
        allow-leased-balance-transfer-until: 0
        block-version-3-after-height: 0
        pre-activated-features = {
          1 = 0
          2 = 0
          3 = 0
          4 = 0
          5 = 0
          6 = 0
          7 = -${waves.blockchain.custom.functionality.feature-check-blocks-period}
          8 = 0
          9 = 0
          10 = 0
          11 = 0
          12 = 0
          13 = 0
          14 = 1
          15 = 0
        double-features-periods-after-height = 1000000000
        max-transaction-time-back-offset = 120m
        max-transaction-time-forward-offset = 90m
        min-asset-info-update-interval = 2
        min-block-time = 1s
      genesis {
		  average-block-delay = 10000ms
		  initial-base-target = 153722867
		  timestamp = 1615698469987
		  block-timestamp = 1615698469987
		  signature = "4RwZfAnst5oHqLAsBvkDtYEkFKgKdwN5VgdZ1oTMyz42St8sdgbdNzruiuJhBs7TuJCjHArHaub3NK4igRNu6tPs"
		  initial-balance = 30000000000000000
		  transactions = [
			{recipient = "3M5FioPSBNUa5opEr7EVHFXhB5VoN5QCz1B", amount = 20000000000000000},
			{recipient = "3M1SWH3zpnoF2VVmjJyGr7MqRKmgwSR8KSR", amount = 10000000000000000}
      rewards {
        term = 6
        initial = 600000000
        min-increment = 50000000
        voting-interval = 3

  rewards.desired = 575000000

  network {
    bind-address = ""
    port = 6860
    known-peers = ["node1:6860", "node3:6860"]
    node-name = "Private node"
    declared-address = ""

    traffic-logger {
      ignore-tx-messages = [1, 2, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28]
      ignore-rx-messages = ${}

  wallet {
    seed = "3csAfJ"
    password = "rich"

  rest-api {
    enable = yes
    bind-address = ""
    port = 6869
    api-key-hash = "BNejVjPAWUrXJTqNrTboGPENAJt9PXnmfdtBgMSgs1u3"

  miner {
	enable = yes
    interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed = 999d
    max-transactions-in-micro-block = 500
    micro-block-interval = 1500ms
    min-micro-block-age = 0s
    quorum = 0

kamon.enable = no
metrics.enable = no

And only one of my nodes generates blocks. Second node even doesn’t have any “Next attempt for acc…” strings in it’s log file. It’s generating balance is much more than the first node’s one. I have no idea why it happens.