I created an order and try to post it via matcher REST API: https://matcher.testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#!/matcher/placeLimitOrder
“proofs” : [ “sVfCE2FNm7P7MJZiw9BtAzJG9WqtjU1gYskeP8yHxyU5N5qZVmQzqmFid3UDvvXzqwG3w6QVtx8em16Zq4QuY8c” ],
“amount” : 100,
“orderType” : “SELL”,
“expiration” : 1580373997342,
“signature” : “sVfCE2FNm7P7MJZiw9BtAzJG9WqtjU1gYskeP8yHxyU5N5qZVmQzqmFid3UDvvXzqwG3w6QVtx8em16Zq4QuY8c”,
“senderPublicKey” : “FajLrNeuQLMndS5TkyPbbqgZzfXCdrZvdsaLuqfWjgNQ”,
“id” : “Atfy59JRgLJoKRJGJPo1WA1uWhb5gixBp2ag9Sup5NRE”,
“sender” : “3N69dAP9JDHoRFt1Gg39Wn8Yn7tcmhc3Tty”,
“matcherPublicKey” : “8QUAqtTckM5B8gvcuP7mMswat9SjKUuafJMusEoSn1Gy”,
“matcherFeeAssetId” : “WAVES”,
“matcherFee” : 3000,
“version” : 3,
“timestamp” : 1580370397342,
“assetPair” : {
“amountAsset” : “WAVES”,
“priceAsset” : “DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn”
“price” : 10000000
It results with 404 error status and message “The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future”.
The request looks like reasonable but error message do not give any details.
What may be a reason?
maybe wrong endpoint? Can you provide the request itself, not only json body?
curl -X POST --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ --header ‘Accept: text/plain’ -d ‘{ \
“proofs” : [ “2tSuHCEhssGFsseeBHDi8EGRceMxh43z3RchmmaPta1FFxkBRxQJjB7ogPWU1HAAyhYmY6fG4LhmKCCutyM8Faw3” ], \
“amount” : 100, \
“orderType” : “SELL”, \
“expiration” : 1580392020694, \
“signature” : “2tSuHCEhssGFsseeBHDi8EGRceMxh43z3RchmmaPta1FFxkBRxQJjB7ogPWU1HAAyhYmY6fG4LhmKCCutyM8Faw3”, \
“senderPublicKey” : “FajLrNeuQLMndS5TkyPbbqgZzfXCdrZvdsaLuqfWjgNQ”, \
“id” : “4UP7dhVU5Zh5D4Q3XVb6esin9ogG8wMyLHyUwVLkWaob”, \
“sender” : “3N69dAP9JDHoRFt1Gg39Wn8Yn7tcmhc3Tty”, \
“matcherPublicKey” : “8QUAqtTckM5B8gvcuP7mMswat9SjKUuafJMusEoSn1Gy”, \
“matcherFeeAssetId” : “WAVES”, \
“matcherFee” : 3000, \
“version” : 3, \
“timestamp” : 1580388420694, \
“assetPair” : { \
“amountAsset” : “WAVES”, \
“priceAsset” : “DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn” \
}, \
“price” : 10000000 \
}’ ‘https://matcher.testnet.wavesnodes.com/matcher/orderbook’
ok, 3 errors:
"orderType" : "sell"
"matcherFee" : 300000
"matcherFeeAssetId" : "WAVES" - should be removed
It works now. Thanks!