QNODECOIN is a non-ico project that begins with qcash as a token on waves blockchain now having its native blockchain. The project is now building a gateway between the two blockchains to enable easy adaptability and mining cooperatively through share masternode.
QnodeCoin is a PoW (X11) based cryptocurrency with MIT License, deployed & built for vendors use and mining only, while we explore for other utilities.
Qnode BC is being built to be a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), to be ran by it’s subset of users, which provides a Proof of Work functionality (mining) and a Proof of Service functionality called “masternodes”. The currency can permits privacy of transactions.
Coin Specification
Basic Details
Coin name: QnodeCoin
Ticker symbol: QNC
Algorithm: PoW (X11)
Starting B-Reward: 50 QNC
Block time: 300 Seconds
PoW Maturity: 50 Minutes
MN collateral: 20,000 QNC
Total Supply: 24,624,000 QNC
Subunits: 0.000000001 Nodelet
RPC/P2P Port: 20611 / 20612
Consensus (PoW/MN)
Premine/Swap: 3,600,000 QNC
Block Halving: Every 210,240 BH
Block Share: 55%(MN); 35%(Mining)
Super Block: 10% (Treasury)
Avg. Block Per Day: 288 blocks
You can visit https://www.qngnode.cc/ for more details.
Qnodecoin is traded on wavesdex and nanu.exchange
Community: https://t.me/qngnodes
Qnodecoin also listed on crypos among other hubs