Smart Contracts Online Hackathon

As you know, Waves launched non-Turing complete smart contracts in May (you can check the IDE and the white paper). This version of smart contracts is a set of universal and handy tools designed for implementing any business tasks an entrepreneur might potentially need.

This is why we have decided to run an online hackathon with 2000 WAVES prize fund, in which developers can propose applications that will run on Waves’ smart contracts. We will consider the following use cases:

  • Multisig
  • Escrow
  • Atomic swap
  • Oracles
  • Betting


  • Proposed application must utilize Waves smart contracts
  • The code must be open source
  • The code must be published on GitHub
  • A description of the application must be published in the Projects category on the Waves Forum and submitted using this form

In order to participate, developers should contact Inal Kardanov ([email protected], @kardanovir on Telegram, or Inal Kardanov#2156 on Discord) to discuss their idea. After discussion, work on the application can begin.

The hackathon will last from 2 July till 22 July. The results of the hackathon will be announced on 29 July.

The prize fund is 2000 WAVES that will be divided proportionally between the winners.

By participating in the hackathon, you agree to its Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


There are two tutorials about smart contracts, which can help you to start:



I watched these 2 video many times during hackathon in hongkong last Saturday and Sunday. It’s really useful. Thanks for posting.

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Dear hackathon participants, we will publish the results tomorrow (till 5 p.m. UTC). We need some more time to double check projects.
Sorry for inconvinience.


I am happy to announce the results of our online hackathon. First of all, I’d like to thank all participants for their effort and time! I hope you liked your hacking time.

It was hard to make choice and select the winners, and we decided to award 2 project with second and third places. Meet the best projects according to waves team.

  1. Waves Multisignature Generator gets first place and 800 WAVES.
  2. Sagres and Waves Hackaton - WAVES-ETH Atomic Swap gets second place and 400 WAVES each.
  3. Smart Rewarding and Employees pay management gets third places and 200 WAVES each.