Unable to create a Private Waves Blockchain Network

sudo sbt "run waves-custom-network.conf"

[info] 2019-01-13 14:08:53,354 INFO  [main] com.wavesplatform.package$ - Genesis block Block(5uqnLK3Z9eiot6FyYBfwUnbyid3abicQbAZjz38GQ1Q8XigQMxTK4C1zNkqS1SVw7FqSidbZKxWAKLVoEsp4nNqa -> 67rpwLC..., txs=5, features=Set()) has been added to the state
[info] 2019-01-13 14:08:53,359 INFO  [main] c.w.w.Wallet$WalletImpl - Added account #1
[info] 2019-01-13 14:08:53,363 ERROR [main] c.w.w.PasswordProvider$ - CANNOT GET CONSOLE TO ASK WALLET PASSWORD
[info] 2019-01-13 14:08:53,363 ERROR [main] c.w.w.PasswordProvider$ - Probably, it happens because you trying to start Waves node using supervisor service (like systemd) without specified wallet password.
[error] Nonzero exit code returned from runner: 61
[error] (Compile / run) Nonzero exit code returned from runner: 61
[error] Total time: 6 s, completed Jan 13, 2019 2:08:53 PM

this is my wave-custom-network.conf

# Waves node settings
  # data storage folder

  logging-level = DEBUG

    type: CUSTOM
    custom {
      address-scheme-character = "D"
      functionality {
        feature-check-blocks-period = 5
        blocks-for-feature-activation = 4
        allow-temporary-negative-until = 1477958400000
        allow-invalid-payment-transactions-by-timestamp = 1477958400000
        require-sorted-transactions-after = 1477958400000
        generation-balance-depth-from-50-to-1000-after-height = 0
        minimal-generating-balance-after = 0
        allow-transactions-from-future-until = 0
        allow-unissued-assets-until = 1479416400000
        require-payment-unique-id-after = 0
        allow-invalid-reissue-in-same-block-until-timestamp = 0
        allow-multiple-lease-cancel-transaction-until-timestamp = 1492128000000
        reset-effective-balances-at-height = 4650
        block-version-3-after-height = 0
        pre-activated-features {
          1 = 0
          2 = 0
          3 = 0
          4 = 0
          5 = 0
          6 = 0
          7 = 0
          8 = 0
        double-features-periods-after-height = 1000000000
        average-block-delay: 60000ms
           initial-base-target: 153722867
           timestamp: 1500635421931
           block-timestamp: 1500635421931
           signature: "2iHe7RRDA9TgHGzmHrpBNnJS9UweFGdY1DBbGDR1pntX2uTZs5aZiLNYhQr7hBUhM3sCWuWeWVQrpUjHJnNdYbkJ"
           initial-balance: 10000000000000000
           transactions = [
                 {recipient: "3FkDgartgeSYbTGvSCyvUTrqURa2apPTE4E", amount: 897000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3Fixk3koKVWDykNzmZB3W7Df2xkdQAvAmW1", amount: 387000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FXKqpGC3WKzBrjdVR7zmJS3wY1kfeHLkk9", amount: 1807000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FSXH1sG9Rx5pMkHdmMppTmtAGSCABBpYuV", amount: 1028000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FgbbKNWQEdcEoMPspDwLUD8sGQbP5SxPPo", amount: 4215000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FfgMjbebfjckwCWHU5AXdwZd2uuEh5VsZS", amount: 375000000000000}

    bind-address = ""
    port = 26860
    known-peers = []
    node-name = "D custom node 1"
    declared-address = ""

   password = "ridethewaves!"
   seed = "3csAfM"
    enable = yes
    bind-address = ""
    port = 26861
    api-key-hash = "H6nsiifwYKYEx6YzYD7woP1XCn72RVvx6tC1zjjLXqsu"
           transactions = [
                 {recipient: "3FkDgartgeSYbTGvSCyvUTrqURa2apPTE4E", amount: 897000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3Fixk3koKVWDykNzmZB3W7Df2xkdQAvAmW1", amount: 387000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FXKqpGC3WKzBrjdVR7zmJS3wY1kfeHLkk9", amount: 1807000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FSXH1sG9Rx5pMkHdmMppTmtAGSCABBpYuV", amount: 1028000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FgbbKNWQEdcEoMPspDwLUD8sGQbP5SxPPo", amount: 4215000000000000},
                 {recipient: "3FfgMjbebfjckwCWHU5AXdwZd2uuEh5VsZS", amount: 375000000000000}

    bind-address = ""
    port = 26860
    known-peers = []
    node-name = "D custom node 1"
    declared-address = ""

   password = "ridethewaves!"
   seed = "3csAfM"

    enable = yes
    bind-address = ""
    port = 26861
    api-key-hash = "H6nsiifwYKYEx6YzYD7woP1XCn72RVvx6tC1zjjLXqsu"

    interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed = 999d
    quorum = 0

Have you noticed you got quiet some double conf inside your conf file?

The easiest way to run a private blockchain is to use this repo

If you have installed Docker, you can run private chain in a few minutes, just run start.sh file

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