Hi was wondering if I can have our own wallet.
And where can we find the source code
Hi was wondering if I can have our own wallet.
And where can we find the source code
You can find source code here: https://github.com/wavesplatform/WavesClientLite
you mean something like theme’s for the waves wallet, for the various token?
jes others also suggessted that. i doubt however that will be used by people a lot.
Thanks, was looking more in the direction of business private type of wallet for local business working with bank.
why should people want such a token? i mean isnt there rather a trend towards wallets that can handle a lot of different plattforms and blockchains and you arent that blocked,
why limit yourself with a wallet that makes other digital assets unstorable?
themes are rather a more likely option for customization than assetblocking asset filtering and asset banning wallets.
Cool but I need to direct fiat access from from wallets.
Credit card payments.
I like the themes
there are waves banked fiats on the waves plattform,
but i doubt i can understand your problem here… why you are looking to create a new wallet, instead of customizing the current existing one
But o really need to have credit cards to buy directly from wallets our cards don’t seem to work from here few friends trying no luck.
So I can add a gateway from here.
please tell me this wallet can be configured only for two assets? Where can I get instructions?
Hello. Which wallet do you mean? Customizable can be configured for two assets, but unfortunately there’s no instructions for this. Only source code in start of this topic, which you can edit.
Best regards, Waves Community Manager