Waves Association DAO

The Waves Association DAO: positioning and a roadmap

The Waves DAO is used as a service for making decisions in the Waves Association. Its main users are association members and external developer teams that want to be part of the Waves ecosystem by receiving funding or other support for building products in the ecosystem.

The DAO’s main task is to cover the widest range of the association’s processes, moving them to a decentralized framework. In other words, the DAO is becoming a CRM system for the Waves ecosystem, in which association members operate as task managers and external teams as contractors.

The DAO’s secondary task is to increase the blockchain community’s loyalty to the Waves ecosystem by offering it direct access to decision making: anyone could become the association’s member and take part in votes or, at least, observe the ecosystem’s development directions.

The DAO’s success could be measured by (1) what share of the processes is run through it (currently, it’s just one: grant distribution), (2) the association’s member numbers and member involvement.

DAO Roadmap

March 2021

  • DEV: development on the testnet of “Special votes” on token verification on Waves.Exchange
  • EVENT: running a vote on Web 3.0 grants on the testnet on March 16
  • OUTSOURCE: DAO mass testing (for instance, by the community power)
  • OUTSOURCE: DAO testing
  • DEV: DAO testing completion

Apr 2021

  • OUTSOURCE: smart contract audit
  • RELEASE: “Special votes” mainnet release
  • RELEASE: DAO mainnet release
  • EVENT: running a hackathon devoted to the Waves birthday
  • DEV: development of membership functionality

May 2021

  • EVENT: vote on Disruptive Tech grants using the DAO
  • RELEASE: mainnet release of membership functionality

Q3 2021

  • MARKETING: a campaign for attracting users to the association through the DAO
  • DEV: release of custom Special votes on any topic under a selected template

Q4 2021

  • DEV: use of the association’s experience for creating a versatile DAO model
  • MARKETING: positioning the DAO as a tool that could be used in outside organizations