Waves Keeper Feature Requests

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Display of usable balance . Currently displayed total balance included leased.

Usable balance = total balance- leased amount

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Hi @tatiana,

I want to request to add waveskeeper to Brave browser. Lots of crypto pioneers use this native web3.0 browser (with integrated BAT rewards wallet), so Waveskeeper should definately be in this one I think. I use it for months now and it’s a good looking, fast product.

You can find it over here: https://brave.com/

Is this on the roadmap?

greetz Plukkie

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Already done. Have added with the last release.

Brave is Chromium-based browser. Waves Keeper work with Brave as well as with all Chromium-based browsers.

Open the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/waves-keeper/lpilbniiabackdjcionkobglmddfbcjo?hl=en in Brave.

And add it http://joxi.ru/52al17i4O30nm0


good tip, it works :slight_smile: