WavesBrasil Node

Pool name: WavesBrasil

Address for leasing: 3P1xU8QSBk2gDQkepGYu24tTfwj4FgS7avv
Alias: wavesbrasil

Website: https://www.wavesbrasil.com.br/node

Payment policy:

  • 90% Waves
  • Payment will be made every 15th and 30th of each month.

Pool Representatives:

Irlan Pierre
Waves Ambassador in Brazil and co-founder of the Brazilian community.
WRT Donations: 3PDEnVbcLhsYbssbLbo3mHCwZYPAxD9JQQZ

Follow the Waves project from ICO and created the Brazilian community. Collaborate on community troubleshooting, translate news, and share on leading cryptocurrency sites. Translated the portfolios / Clients and all advertising material, as well as representing and lecturing at events in Brazil.

Evandro Matias
Co-founder of the Brazilian community and Node operator.
Investor and holder since the first day of ICO. Waves Platform Translator on Bitcointalk and other versions.

Team: Brazil
Node: Germany

Feature voting policy: We will inform leasors about voting activities.

Other Details:
Brazil is a “continental country” and has ~210 million habitants, that is, it has big potential.
WavesBrasil Node’s proposal is to efficiently promote Waves blockchain in social networks, events and with potential partners mainly in Brazil.

All the collected amount will be invested in a transparent and well analyzed to broaden the adoption of the Waves blockchain and be a reference in Brazil!

Contact: [email protected]
Irlan Pierre (Telegram)
Evandro Matias (Telegram)

We count on the help of the whole community!

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First payment: 08/15/19 (73 forged blocks)
+46 Waves / +350 Distributed MRTs
+70 leasers

Second payment: 08/30/19 (91 forged blocks)

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Can you detail how you intend to use the dividends if you win the game of nodes?

Hello, I would like to know what is the interest of the Brazilian community in cryptos today? I liked your proposal but wanted to know a little more please.


We believe Waves blockchain is superior to competitors, but that is irrelevant if no one knows it. As the phrase “marketing is the soul of business” says … we need a professional marketing service to be effective and reach the target audience.

We’ll hire a blockchain marketing office to support Waves’ project and expand the community and its engagement on social networks, as well as have an efficient strategy for the conferences we are on.

If we only distribute Waves from the Game of Nodes Awards to the leasers, the community will not grow, we need to broaden the community. This is why effective outreach will play a key role in our project, to expand our horizons and we need the help of you all! :muscle:t3:

This will only be the first step, we will also structure ourselves to be able to give professional support to the people and companies who want to use our blockchain.


Many companies are increasingly interested in blockchain technology because of its transparency characteristics. immutability, etc.
When cryptos are presented correctly, many people are interested in these new possibilities, such as a new payment option, investment, etc.

The Brazilian population has already exceeded 210 million inhabitants and this demonstrates the potential we have at hand :sunglasses:

Our next payment will be on September 15th.
Lease now, get 100% Waves + 100% MRT and help WavesBrasil Node! :muscle:t3: :rocket:

Last payment: 09/15/19 (87 forged blocks)

  • The third distribution was successful!
  • The next distributions will be 100% Waves and 100% MRT!

Alias: wavesbrasil

Thank you!

See the reports of the last 6 payments made by WavesBrasil:


We also provide a transparency section to show where the 10% of Node’s fees are spent.


New Payment.


PLEASE NOTE: From November / 2019, the payment will be weekly, being made on Sundays.

Next payment: 11/03/2019!


New Payment.


More info: https://www.wavesbrasil.com.br/node/

Thanks all

The WavesBrasil Node reached its 10th payment with the following brands:

  • We have already distributed 1544 Waves
  • We forged 634 blocks in Waves blockchain
  • 205 leases have already been activated in our node

More info: https://www.wavesbrasil.com.br/node-pagamento-10/

The WavesBrasil Node reached its 11th payment with the following brands:

  • We have already distributed 1700 Waves
  • We forged 650 blocks in Waves blockchain
  • 210 leases have already been activated in our node

More info: https://www.wavesbrasil.com.br/node/

The 52th payment was successful!

  • We have already distributed +13,735 Waves!
  • We forged 2818 blocks on the Waves blockchain
  • 756 stakes have already been activated


Alias: wavesbrasil

See all the details HERE

Thank you!

The 54th payment was successful!

  • Our node had the best weekly performance of TOP 35!
  • We have already distributed +14.365 Waves!
  • We forged 2933 blocks on the Waves blockchain
  • 831 stakes have already been activated


Alias: wavesbrasil

See all the details HERE

Thank you!

The 56th payment was successful!

  • We have already distributed +15.024 Waves!
  • We forged 3052 blocks on the Waves blockchain
  • 892 stakes have already been activated


Alias: wavesbrasil

See all the details HERE

Thank you!

The 189th payment was successful!

420 #Waves and 77 blocks forged in @wavesprotocol

Activate your stake NOW!
ALIAS: wavesbrasil
Address: 3P1xU8QSBk2gDQkepGYu24tTfwj4FgS7avv