Pool name: wavespool.hokusai.ch
Address for leasing: 3P5jnBJ1KffwjAX7Ftw4GDgvmkFr1oB7yjD
Website: https://wavespool.hokusai.ch
Payment policy: 100% fees and rewards paid.
Payouts happen in rounds, a payment is triggered every time the pool exceeds 500 mined Waves. After the payment a new round starts again from zero Waves. If you cancel a lease after a round starts, you lose the rewards for that lease.
Everytime a payout happens we tweet and signal the telegram group, you can track the status of the current round on the website. You can check payments on the blockchain.
Pool Representatives:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @hokusai_ch
Discord: pmfa#2117
We’re a team of crypto pioneers scattered around Europe, our server is located in Switzerland which provides a friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrency.
Feature voting policy:
Yes to all features that will improve the long term viability and health of the Waves platform ecosystem.
Other Details:
Security, compliance and transparency are core values to us. We are strongly committed to advance cryptocurrency technology and bring it to global use.
Blockchain technology is very exciting, and Waves is particularly suited for our research. That’s the the reason for our investment into the ecosystem, we’re researching into oracles and smart contracts, we want to be active in building the world of tomorrow.
We embraced Open Source development methodologies and transparent governance practices. We also strive to be as open as possible regarding pool governance and policies. These principles are embedded in all we do:
- our Waves node runs in an isolated and locked down VPS to guarantee operational security;
- all of our accounting and payout activities are done with freely available tools, they have been built by us and tested with the help of the community;
- we regularly issue updates on Twitter regarding the pool’s operation, it’s also possible to reach us directly of course, feel free to get in touch for any additional questions and/or suggestions.
We advise you against leasing a very small amount of Waves as you will get virtually no return and you’ll be spending on fees to activate the lease and then cancelling it.
More information can be found at https://wavespool.hokusai.ch